
to facebook or not to facebook?

it is a question. i suppose i will. mostly b/c i miss my andrew david...and b/c solomon probably has one. ...ugh. i just know i don't "network" well, mostly b/c i'm not online enough to make it (IMHO)...proper.


i'm a nut.

digital camera update: okay, so here's the deal. i'm like 800 "points" away from a free one from my chase visa. so, right now i get triple points for every dollar...i figure if i use it to get my gasoline and groceries for the next week, it'll be in-hand by february. cool huh? i think so. Jesus loves me the best - i'm His favorite. ;)

okay - i'm changing the subject. here is a list:
  • one large head of romaine
  • two orange bell peppers
  • one red bell pepper
  • about four eggs, past the "freshness" date!
  • one small bottle of horseradish
  • one-quarter of a bottle of Lea & Perren's Worcestershire
  • half a bottle of sesame oil
what, you may ask, is this all about? some strange youth ministry experiment? (sounds like me, but not this time.) a new miracle cure for headaches? nope. this is what my lovely beasties pulled out of the fridge last night and left on the kitchen floor...and the living room floor...and on my bed...and in their fur... [sigh.] we have a child-lock on the fridge for a reason, it's really ridiculous how often we forget to latch it. thank God for vinyl floors - i LOVE my floor! it's so easy to clean. and also, thank GOD the mess didn't travel into the florida room b/c i'd cry if sesame oil got into my slate.

so last night, i stood in my chinese-steakhouse-smelling house, my slipper'd feet amidst the romaine and eggshells, and asked myself, "is this okay?". the Immediate answer was "no", but i was surprised to see how quickly i was able to get to the Big Picture answer..."yes".

for someone who doesn't "do" maintenance very well, i sure do surround myself with things that desperately need to be maintained. i guess if it was okay for me to just shrug things off and say, "i just don't 'do' maintenance very well.", i would send these dogs packing, dust the dirt offa my hands and learn my lesson, but i don't think that's the lesson i'm to learn. it's never been "okay" for me to say that. my lack of discipline with maintenance has never been a good enough excuse for...anything, really. so, now i try to remember that the fridge NEEDS to be latched and focus on controlling my temper and my sour attitude when things go south... and when i do that, it's okay.

just a side: notable items that the mutts did NOT pull out of the fridge last night: kelly's grapefruit (i don't blame them!)...and the collard greens. hahaha - that makes me laugh.

anyhoo... lots of things have been going on here, but in my efforts to not write whole "books" in my catch-up entries, i'll maybe post one a day for a few days and then we'll (hopefully) get caught up.

so, here are some topics for me to cover in the near future:

upon further reflection, i pick THE ANNIVERSARY
January 4th was our 10th wedding anniversary. :) to celebrate, we invited folks (george and lori, bob and lourdes, chris seibert, kelly's grandparents and justin and robin gaynor) to the russells for dinner and a story. in total, there were 16 of us there, including the russell family, (a)erin and ourselves. it was a slightly crazy day b/c the 4th fell on a sunday and it's problematic to prepare a meal for 16, at someone else's house, after 2 services at church...and also taking into account the wrenBeast and her schedule. thank goodness i have a kelly and lots of friends. :)

on the menu: flank steak with arugula and dijon potatoes...and carrot soup. for drinks, we had fruit punch (guava, papaya and orange juices with some ginger ale, pineapple slices and pineapple sherbet) and freshly juiced fuji apples, besides the regular water and coffee faire. chris brought his favorite - garlic bread... and also he brought a cheeseball and crackers. :) and i was able to secure a pound of ahi from "the boys" for a poke appetiser. also we had tons of fruit to nosh on and oh yes - ann marie made coffeecake and a grasshopper pie for dessert. :)

ann marie and i went shopping on saturday - the boys for produce and fish and flowers, mario's for the steak. then on sunday, after church we all worked our little tails off to finish everything before people started showing up at 6. (a)erin made the soup - it rocked amazingly! ann marie helped with the potatoes and the salad (she washed like 2 pounds of arugula!'s actually a lot...). i made the punch and the poke, alexandra lois juiced the apples, kelly and zach covered the tables with butcher paper and set out the crayons, greg and kelly grilled the meat. to set the tables, we brought over all our glass plates, big ones for dinner-ing, small ones for appetisers and dessertness, bowls and dessert dishes for the soup. all the plates and bowls were varied and mismatched, but it didn't matter b/c they were all glass anyways. :) and i was finally able to use my glass punch bowl and even greg drank out of a punch glass with his pinky out...[for a second]. the tables were funky looking - my mismatched glassware with ann marie's good silver and butcher-paper and crayons... but i liked it. it was fun and sparkly and good. :) everything was awesome, and then after dinner i told the wedding story. only (a)erin and alex (and kelly!) had ever heard it before and it was nice to finally have kelly there to help out with details and such. all in all it was a most splendiferious day - i'm very glad we did it. :)

okay, this has been a long post - thanks for reading. i'll be back later. i hope you all are having a marvelous day and please know that i'm praying for you and your various adventures... :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:( I wish I had been there, that sounds like fun.