
tired, tired, tired...

2:07 PM
in the Sanctuary
status: bushed. all in.

i've just watched the 2nd run-thru of this year's Christmas play/presentation/thing. i think we've got like 5 bazillion kids on stage...and i like it that way. :) this year there is a drama, a little girls dance, an older girls dance, a special vocal song (to a track) and another song involving vocals, 2 violins, a flute, a classical guitar, 2 kids on the piano...and a triangle. it just keeps getting better and better. :)

so...that said, i'm free to do just whatever i want for a while. i think i'm going to head over to the russells for hall decking and tree trimming (otherwise known as "falling-asleep-on-the-couch-while-everyone-else-decks-and-trims").


i've just sat here (for a LONG TIME!) and tried to think about what else i should be doing, but it's like my brain is stuck. i end up just staring at the screen and nodding. maybe i'll be more impressive after a nap i mean, decorating. :)

1 comment:

Shelley Family said...

hall decking... tree trimming... Russell's... mmm... sounds nice.